lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010


I would like to visit España. I feel very intersted about meeting the people, the life, the places, the communication, the relationship, the culture and especially the way the people look at each other.

I refer how that culture can manages to form thoughts about different relation, people, his bodies, his emotions and his acts. This is a prejudice. I have the idea of there are an evolved perception of the environment in general.

I did not known the deep way the culture, neither the history this country. But I interested because is a place for intelect and knowledge before to Latin America.

I can say that my intention is to travel to Spain to do some course or posgrado in journalism. I would like to be two years there, studying and being employed at what my university studies allow me. I would like to cross all the nearby countries and to know many persons of different nationalities, to make friend and to create contacts.

I would like come back and to spread all knowledge lerned and then to travel one time more to Spain for visit my news friends.

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

The last semester

Well, In the last semester I worked teaching in the Institute of Comumication and Image. I deepened on the identity subject. I learned about topics related to the Latin American refuge and the Topics related to the social memory. All that thanks to my participation in a project of investigation in the area of the social sciences.

With my work in the classes for students of the first year I specialized on the area of Communication and Identity. I knew more authors and I approached the different currents of thought more.

I did not practise any type of sport. In the summer I registered in a gym in my stay in Coquimbo. There I practised aerobox, pilates, aerobics and entertaining dance. Nowadays I am gliding to return to do exercise. My sedentary life is lethal.

Now I want to continue in my studies, specifically related with the social sciences and working in class in this Institutte. I hope to travel in september, before fiestas patrias, because in the summer I will make my journalism experience .

Finally I want to visit my family in Copiapó. For my study and my work I cant visit them frequently and this is very sad. I hope to carry out this plan.