miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010


The last time that I went to the cinema was two months ago and I saw Inception. This movie turned into one of my favorite movies. I see movies very followed and not I like all. But The origin impressed me very much.

I believe that a lot of time ago was not thinking so deeply about a movie. I was charmed with all the prominent figures, I liked the direction, the photography, the special effects and the assembly. It was a very good and striking history. Many means treated it as a garbage.

My great favorite movie is The Fountain. It is a beautiful movie that treats of a top love lived in three different times. I saw her the year 2008. Me much does not like to see the movies any more than two times because they lose the magic and I analyze it very much.
I travel very much and many hours in bus and in my last 5 trips I have seen in the bus the movie Taken. I liked the first time, but I hated the third time.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

The end

I think the English classes at the University have helped to know more about the language. The problem is that less time and a little dedication not allow me to better take advantage of the course. Another problem is the change of teachers at each level. That causes it not to follow a definite line of learning and not get used to the ways that each teacher teaches and explain. The general advantage is the use of blog, but the little vocabulary that prevents us from doing good handle texts.

My experience in the English class has been very good and even fun. The only intention of face me instructions which ask me to develop and work into an English text creates an appropriate scene to makes me get closer to the language. Though we’re not that prepared for developing great narrations and having a personal writing style I believe this activity contributes to an effective learning, compared to the old and recurrent teaching activities you can use in an English class. Maybe the most useful mechanism would be individually study the grammatical rules at home, watching movies to accent and pronunciation assimilation and then get the teacher’s guide to put in practice the English writing and the English speaking.

The customized assistance that teacher performs help us to understand in a handy and closer way the new contents we learn in the classroom and that we put in practice in our texts writing. However, when you want to encompass many things, sometimes, you don’t accomplish everything you planed.
It’s possible that at our blog sessions working time we can only write one kind of phrases, which does not deserve a deep analysis, and neither gets connected in a cohesive way with the general idea of the text. This happens because we’re still not prepared to elaborate advanced level texts. It’s no very funny to write texts without knowing so much the language.
As our teacher can notice the transversal problem of the class is the pronunciation and the grammatical rules circumstantial omission, which makes us make most frequently mistakes.

To face this class phase by an alternative way it’s necessary to add a vocabulary full embrace program, audios and texts for home reading. However, the big academic charge of our careers impossible us to dedicate the necessary time to the basics points of the language learning. In general, the problem of learning failure has a lot to do with the poor time dedication to English, because of the big and multiply responsibilities we have, and the tiring and complicated thing that results to assist to a class in a horary when you don’t have strength for nothing.

I believe that to learn English is necessary to devote much to learn grammar and vocabulary. The classes to other classes they take our time. Ideally a full year to study English without branches or seek other forms of learning such as watching movies and talking to people who know the language.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010


I think it's very difficult for people in Chile to approach the care of the environment. If don’t there consciousness in health, education and culture is less likely to worry about the care of the environment. Always I see people throwing garbage from their cars or from windows of the buses. If I go to a beach at night I see the pollution of the people. Also in the JGM every friday is a lot of garbage all over the grass and if we arrived early on Monday, the print is larger. Daylight reveals all the dirt. At the University there are areas of recycling and that has helped nearly recycling. But since there are many places that make it difficult to select the trash. I haven’ t car, I'm transported in bus. For my physical condition I don’t use a bicycle. In 2007 I approached the organization not to Pascualama, it defended the Huasco valley , but today only informed me of the problem. Time does not allow me to work harder.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010


In England society more than half of children going into care do not know they are being separated from their families, revealed a survey. The Roger Morgan report (the children’s rights director for England) showed that almost two/thirds of the interviewed children were not warned about their transfer to a new home.
Only 8 of the 48 who answered had been given a choice of where they were going to leave. The most of the children said that nobody told them which was going to be their home, and neither invited them to visit it before the transfer. A huge part of the kids got into their new places knowing nothing about it. To make matters worse fifteen children said that did not received help from social workers before being placed in care.
Some of the children experimented psychological damage because of this situation. To can not said good bye to his family or give a hug to his mom before he leaves can provoke several hurt to the mental sanity of the kid.

Although only 16 children said they wanted to go into care 35 of them think that it is the right thing. 14 said that they should have been taken into care earlier and 38 believed that their lives were now better.

Morgan says that he is conscious of this problem, and that he can understand the children. “The fear and confusion that children experience when entering care could be lessened if they know at each stage what is happening to them. More must be done to inform and prepare children before they enter care”. “However, it is reassuring to hear from children that once they are in care their life is generally better. Some children expressed they felt saber and happier”.


lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

My favourite tv show

My favourite tv show is Prison Break. Mi best friend Nicole always told me about this serial. She told me that tv show was very entertaining. She didn' t stop seeing it.
I didn' t want to see it because I did not have a lot of time and one day I decided to see it and could not stop any more.
Prison Break is wonderful. It have suspense, drama and a screenplay very ingenious. I really like it. I don't have time for to see the second season. I saw the firts season any more.
The character are very elaborate and the history is very intriguing. All is connecting, all is good fulfilled. I love it.

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

My favourite cartoon

I do not remember much about the cartoon I saw as a child. I remember playing with dolls a lot and I like to review books of short stories, fables and animals. What I saw were soap operas and some programs like El tiempo es oro and Maravilloso. Larger and began to see Los Picapiedras.

My mom worked all day and I went to school until 4 pm. As I got up early, came home tired and had no desire to play. I think I slept a little and then to the work of calligraphy or art drawings. So I say do not recall seeing many pictures. The order of weeks, he shared time with my mom and in the afternoon I used to see some pictures. I remember seeing films of Walt dysney tired. In Copiapo, where he lived until entering the University, was a cinema films arriving very late, but at least served to watch movies not yet out at Blockbuster.

also remember that I did not like Japanese animation, I only entertained the Detective Conan. I do not like Sailor Moon or Dragonball or Ranma. My mom told me that the Power Rangers were very imaginative and I could not see why until I saw with my friend Milena and I loved them. From there I became a fan and rented as three times the film and I did not miss any chapter. That started my interest in the series. Interest that continues to this day.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Knowing Santiago

I believe that Santiago de Chile is a city full of very entertaining opportunities. You have many options to choose and from all kind of stuff. My favorite place is El Mercado Central. Maybe it is too mucho known and the most visited place by the tourists, but it is because of its magic, wonderful atmosphere and obviously great flavors. If someone goes to El Mercado Central must eat Paila Marina, a South-Chilean soup which contents a lot of delicious shellfishes and a rich amount of sea spices. Also must try Reineta con Chilena, fresh fried fabulous fish with the most popular Chilean salad: Tomatoes and skinny sliced onion. Well if I keep speaking about El Mercado I could never end. Other very local and culture thing tourist must try is go to the Football stadium, preferably to El Clásico, the most important match which faces Colo Colo and U. de Chile. I believe that the whole experience is infinitely different, because of the crowd called “Barra Brava”, the flags, the colored smoke, the papers, the songs, the passion involved, and obviously the quality of the match. Even the police and fan violence in the stadium is a very Chilean Football element which makes us be what we are. The food you can eat at the stadium also is very Chilean, like Sanguche de Potito and Sopaipillas. First is meat from the anus of the cow-made-sandwich and the second a very popular fried hot mass, made with pumpkin. Well, there are many other places people must know, but I think that these two I mentioned are a Must!